Friday, August 7, 2009

I love my husband... I love my kids...

but NOT when I am trying to move to a different country. DH decided it would be a good idea to work until Tuesday before we more. Daycare/camp is over for the children. I swear I get nothing done. The minute I clean up one area of the house and move on to another, the kids go and trash it.

How do other Moms do it without losing their cool? Do their kids sleep more than mine? (for their sakes I hope so... mine don't really sleep well). Are the content to play with just one toy, instead of trashing all the bookshelves and spewing the garbage around? And yes, I know that cabinet locks are great things... until you kids learn how to take them apart!!!

I'm getting apprehensive about moving. Suddenly, S needs a bunch of doctors appointments and referrals to specialists. E is out of control. My apartment is a mess, my duffel bags that I bought online haven't arrived yet, and my scale doesn't really work. I have no job, DH has no job (at least he has prospects, I can't even get a response to my resume), and i'm very quickly losing it.

On the other hand, my sewing is not going all that well... but i'm getting brand new machines when we move and I am SUPER excited!

I made a mei tai carrier for a friend of mine, which in my opinion came out really well. It's black with a waist buckle and tie shoulder straps, and it has three interchangeable panels...Will she wear it? Probably not. Do you think it's rude if I ask her for it back if she doesn't use it?

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